Fell on teeth 11 2006

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Charlotte fell on her front teeth in our hall, on the tiles, cried a lot afterwards her 2 front teeth turned slightly grey

Bruised Tooth: Sometimes when your child bumps their upper front tooth hard enough, but does not break or knock tooth out; you'll notice the tooth start to change to a darker color over the next several weeks. After that, the tooth may get lighter again in color although never return to its original color. This is basically a bruised tooth. Unless the tooth becomes abcessed (swollen on the gums above the tooth) or starts to hurt a lot, nothing needs to be done. Lift the upper lip to check the tooth and gums periodically, especially if there is pain. If you see a bump or swelling or otherwise abnormal appearance of the gums, please see a dentist.

FotoCharlotteTeeth1.jpg FotoCharlotteTeeth2.jpg